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Wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free
Recommend Documents. Guide to. The Grand History of Eberron Within this supplement you will find the complete, chronological history of the world of Eberron, as well as information about the races and organizations that inhabit this swashbuckling world of d The Grand History of Eberron Within this supplement you will find the complete, chronological history of the world of Eberron, as well as information about the races and organizations that inhabit this swashbuckling wor…Full description.
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It explores the continent of Khorvaire and the great city of Sharn. Eberron embraces swashbuckling action and pulp adventure and adds a layer of neo-noir intrigue, wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free. The Last War turned old allies into bitter enemies and destroyed an entire nation, leaving terrible scars behind. Crime and corruption lurk in the great cities of Khorvaire, wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free.
Human greed and ambition may prove more dangerous than any devil or demon. This mystical cataclysm destroyed an entire nation and created a deadly wasteland in the heart of Khorvaire. The Mourning brought the war to an end, but it is a mystery and a threat that looms large over Eberron.
Dragons and demons scheme in the shadows, unraveling a prophecy that could shape the future. These ancient mysteries can be a source of fantastic adventures and terrible danger.
Whether this is truth or mere myth, magic pervades the world. Magic as a Tool. In Eberron, arcane magic is a form of science. Magic is used for entertainment, wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free, transportation, communication, warfare, and much more. While magic is widespread, there are limits to is power. The magical services available in Khorvaire are discussed d iscussed in more detail in chapter 2, along with the availability of magic items.
Dragonmarked Dynasties. The magical economy is dominated by a handful of powerful families and the guilds they maintain. A dragonmark grants limited but useful magical abilities, and over the course of centuries the houses have used these powers to establish powerful monopolies. Chapter 3 provides more details about dragonmarks and the dragonmarked houses, along with rules for creating dragonmarked characters.
The rail links most major cities and is a simple way to travel long distances. The airship is a recent innovation that is transforming the business of transportation. Speaking stones allow communication between distant communities. A short message can be sent from one stone to another, functionally similar to a telegraph. Warforged are sentient humanoid golems.
Developed during the Last War, warforged were created as weapons. The Treaty of Thronehold forbid the creation of new warforged, while granting freedom to the golems that survived the war. Rules for making warforged characters can be found in chapter 3. Exotic Locations. Lightning rails, airships, and other forms of transportation can facilitate travel to exotic locations. What Are the Stakes?
Eberron is a world in need of heroes. Lingering tensions of war remain. The Silver Flame is a divine force of light, but it can only act through mortal champions. The few powerful benevolent NPCs have limitations: the Keeper of the Flame loses her powers if she leaves her citadel. If you take the soldier background, you can be more than just a grunt. What did you do during the Last War? What was your greatest triumph or most tragic defeat? Hero Points. Remarkable Villains.
One reason the world needs heroes is because it already has villains. But for some groups, this sort of collaboration can produce a compelling story and a sense of investment in the world. In Elements, wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free. Each turn, a player can work one of these elements into their description of their action. The primary purpose of this is to give players ideas; interesting details to use while describing their actions.
Environmental elements are always optional and largely cosmetic. In developing characters or stories in Eberron, consider the following concepts. Shades of Gray. Good people can do terrible things, while cruel or heartless people may be serving the greater good.
There can certainly be times when decisions are straightforward. If the Emerald Claw is about to detonate a necrotic resonator that will kill half of Sharn, they need to be stopped. But a good Eberron story challenges you to think about your actions, and the simplest solution may not be the best wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free. Human Motives.
One person just wants to get some gold in their pocket. Another wants to impress their paramour. But there are also misguided patriots, religious extremists, and dragonmarked houses looking to wring a few more pieces of gold out of Khorvaire. There are spies who will do anything to protect their nations and petty criminals trying to build empires.
While you were serving your country, you did unforgivable things. Did you make a tragic mistake, and if so, is it something you can ever undo? The Regrets table provides a few examples of missteps that might haunt you. The Balance of Pulp and Noir. As a setting, Eberron works with both pulp and noir themes.
This is a spectrum: on one end you have over-the-top swashbuckling adventure—battling incarnations of evil on the deck of a burning airship! Why would you possibly want to take on a debt? Establishing a debt requires collaboration and approval by both player and DM. Work together to develop the details: who is blackmailing you?
Can wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free solve the problem before they have to face the consequences consequences? The Last War was a bitter struggle that forever changed the shape of Khorvaire. On Olarune 20, YK the nation of Cyre was consumed in a magical cataclysm now known as the Mourning. The cause of the Mourning remains unknown, and many fear that it was a consequence of the extensive use of war magic.
War-torn villages and towns are still rebuilding. Once fertile farmlands are scorched and ruined. There are refugees wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free every major city. The mystery of the Mourning is the only thing holding the warmongers at bay. Dragonmarked Power. Karrnathi Undead. When a series of famines and plagues crippled the nation of Karrnath, it embraced the Blood of Vol and introduced wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free into its armies.
Magical Innovation. Over the course of a century of war, the nations and dragonmarked houses developed new spells and tools for use in the war. Airships and warforged are recent developments, and the wandslinger tradition emerged from the war. The Mourning. This magical wayfinders guide to eberron pdf download free destroyed Cyre and brought the war to an end. Cyre is a vast, unrecoverable wasteland and those Cyrans who survived the disaster are scattered across Khorvaire.
New Nations. Before the Last War, Galifar laid claim to all of Khorvaire. A host of new states emerged over the course of the war. These include the goblin nation of Darguun, the elf kingdom of Valenar, the druids of the Eldeen Reaches, the monsters of Droaam, and more.
Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron (5e) Review
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